Sunday, February 24, 2013

More Coding...

The second type of coding that I started to do was on the Student Surveys that I had students complete on day 1 of my action research.  I had them complete this earlier in the day before I announced that we would be changing everything around as far as homework goes.  The inductive analysis process seemed much easier in class when we were working as a group on this type of coding, but on my own I feel just as lost as I was when coding my interviews.  I decided to take it in chunks.  Then, I had to break it down even further.  I ended up writing out the answers to each question (there were 6 questions in all with an additional 2 that needed to be answered with a yes or no).  I have not finished this process yet, but I realize now that I will be typing the last two questions up instead of hand writing them on paper.  I'm not sure why I didn't do that initially?  I am still in the very beginning stages of this coding process, but I wanted to share what I have so far.  I am just at the point where I am preparing the data to be able to more easily look at it for commonalities.  I am going to find commonalities within each question.  These are the sheets that I have so far from questions 1-4.  Those are the responses from all of my students. Some of my students wrote no under the question about giving suggestions on how to change the homework and I didn't record anything for those students since there were no suggestions.  I also figured out how to upload all of the transcribed interviews that I coded, in case anyone wanted to have a look.  All 6 interviews with the level one coding can be found here.  I'll be working hard this week to complete my analysis and find themes that emerge from all of this data.  It sure is time consuming though!  =)


Rockin' Reading Response said...

Thank you SO much for sharing your thought process and how you are going about coding. This is very helpful to see what you are doing. I need to get moving. I like how you organized the interview answers to help you come up with themes. When you conduct the next set of interviews, will you add onto this or start a different one? I am doing interview 2 on Friday so I was unsure.

Liz said...

I'm actually unsure about that myself. I plan on asking our professor this week. For now, I'm going to find commonalities between this set and then I'll see what she says. I have the same question for my surveys too. Let me know if you find out and I'll let you know if I find out! =)